Fifty (Cough) Shades (Blush) of Grey (Sigh)


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Why he’s my fifty… “…his jeans hanging that way from his hips.”

Yes, I succumbed. I’ll admit it.  I was sucked in and though I did not actually buy the books I still read them and by the tenth or so chapter, I forgot that the writing was horrid, because I was sucked into the escape that books are written for.

I think we often forget that for the most part we read to be entertained, we read to escape our lives and live vicariously through a character.   Now I’m not saying that living vicariously did not improve my sex life while I was reading said books, however, my husband did not complain either.  <br>


In the age of digital media, I think we tend to lose some of our ground in the real world (so to speak) and I just happened on this little gem while scouting around Barnes and Noble several months back… 

Now like anyone, or at least most, some people I know, I tend to put a face to a name when reading.  Fifty was no different, and my ideas for character placement were not convoluted by some casting directors idea of what said character should look like so without thinking much about it, McSteamy (Eric Dane) (which is somewhat comical now that I think about it, as he was in another Grey title),  was my obvious choice for Christian “Fifty” Grey.


At the Heathman

I have to say that when the Fifty Shades fanatics hit, I could not bring my self to read it, I set about with the wrong attitude, I can write as good, if not better than E.L. James, however, I lack the fortitude to finish things and have several unfinished manuscripts floating around the house, (long hand) because a blinking cursor is my worst enemy. Once I got past the the repetitiveness that E.L. uses, and got to the “Kinky Fuckery”, things definitely picked up, or I just simply forgot to be so critical, (sucked in).

The overusage of the word clambered just about killed me, but the “F” word was awesome!  I cant remember when the last time I saw it so many times.  And I will apologize for those of you who think it is not necessary, but there is NOTHING better than hearing it or saying in the heat of passion, regardless of what passion it is being utilized for.

So yeah, I was sucked in, and held captive.  I’ll admit it, but we all need to escape from our mundane daily lives… (Haaa… exactly why it took me 6 months to read three books instead of 3 days to devour them.. I have a mundane life.)  That’s comical!






I watch on Facebook, my friends families, all slowly depleting, with kids going off to college, getting married, and then multiplying as they add spouses and children and grandchildren.

I think about my own family… not so long ago we couldn’t travel without booking a suite because there were just too many of us and now…we fit in a regular old room… without the added expense of a suite to accommodate all of us.

Chey moved out in February.  We went from six to five.

Meg is on a college trip this week… we went from five to four.

Its hard to imagine but in less that 2 years our family of five will be four all of the time with Meg gone away to college, and then well have two 15 year olds and us.

Well maybe we will have some grandbabies by then…






Of all the things that have been made disposable, why hasn’t some genius come up with disposable socks!?  I mean really… this is what I have to look forward to when its laundry day…


Oh sure they’re cute… and tiny and they get sucked into space when placed in the dryer (or maybe its the washer)? I’m still not sure…and I’m nearly 40…


At the end of the day I end up with a lot of mates and matches but just as many mismatched socks… and you know there are so many people now days that think wearing mismatched socks is totally the way to go… I was in Spencer’s just last week and they were selling 12 socks and not a single one had a mate…

mismatched Just where the hell was this style all of my life… And why would I pay 12 bucks for 12 socks when I could mismatch my own at home for…oh yeah, NOTHING!

But yeah… disposable socks…

Monday again…


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ImageAs a matter of fact… back on the run, not like I slowed down much over the weekend, it was just a different kind of busy.  And to make matters worse…or better? its hard to decipher at this exact point in my thinking, I will be moving this weekend as well, or maybe next weekend, but sooner than later…

It is officially blog time.  Mags is in therapy and I have deemed that 50 minutes my offical time to write.  Today, there are obstacles that I usually don’t usually encounter  this late in the afternoon. While they are obstacles, I would not trade them for the world. The oldest granboy had to have a tooth pulled this afternoon and I got big sister and little brother.

So among the other thing that therapy and getting here entail, I have two small fries to contend with as well.  Little sister is currently watching an episode of My Little Pony on Netflix on the Kindle and Aus is watching Good Luck Charlie on the Ipad, Little brother is finishing up a bottle after a 4 hour nap and I… I am writing.

Driving in  traffic today, I realized, like I often do at random moments, that I LOVE the city in which we call home.  Houston is amazing! We do tout the first Lesbian Mayor, Thank you Ms. Annise Parker for your awesome service!



I love the traffic, yes even the traffic, because it makes everyone slow down and get annoyed, or for me slow down and admire the wonderment of it all.  The buildings, the bridges, the people, the activity, everything that everyone is always too busy to take the time to see, I get to observe while the traffic backs up.  The first few times I ever traveled to Houston, taking the shorter way back home to Oklahoma was not an option because I would miss my bridges and the ivy…bridges


It may not be much but there is plenty to see if you will just take the time…it maybe just the time that your stuck in traffic, but take that little bit of time to observe the wonderment that the city holds, dont get annoyed because your stuck in traffic…maybe its someone’s way of telling you that you need to slow down and smell the flowers.

slow down





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therapyFor years, we as a family have attended some sort of therapy, with an autistic kid how could one not be in some sort of therapy.  It started out with speech therapy, continued with occupational therapy followed by family therapy, and premarital counselling, moving right along into  physical therapy and then we were introduced to behavioral therapy.  So int he last ten years I thought that I had run the gamut of taking therapy in stride.  Enter my angst ridden 15 year old who came out (yes at the tender age of 13), Who had been happier than I had ever seen her (after the coming out) more assertive, but somehow overnight became depressed, apathetic, and down right out of control.  She calls herself the “stable” one, yet, to me, she has always been the one I worry about.


She has always been driven, known what she wanted from life.  What 2 year old tells you she wants to be a midwife and at the age of 15 still wants a career in the medical field, albeit, she now wants to be a neuroscience researcher, but come on. This kid amazes me, and reminds me so much of me its scary.  The beauty of it is that unlike me, she has accepting parents, parents who let her have enough line to play with but still have enough of the line to draw her back in if she gets too out of hand.

Coming out for her was as she self describes no stress or anxiety, but it took her months on end to ask to see a therapist because she could not figure out on her own exactly what it was that was bothering her.

(Welcome to my world) Seeking therapy (even for me) is hard.  But I have a few sounding boards.  Dr. Pepper, my son’s former  behavioral therapist seeks me out when I  haven’t called him in a week, usually at son’s OT or Speech therapy sessions.  Then my BFF, I call her when I don’t know what else to do.  There is always my dear hubby, but for whatever reason he is just enraptured by the sheer sound of my voice…so sometimes he just outdoes know what to tell me other than that he is there for me. Which I think is a lot of what we need from someone.

So long story short, therapy was asked for a week ago, and here we sit at the counselling center.  Her choice of counselor was not even considered by myself as I am a firm believer in the fact that if you find someone you are comfortable with then that person is who you need to have as your sounding board, because actually talking about your problems is hard enough,  finding someone you have built trust with is sometimes even harder.

Believe in your family and take time to be there for them.  Do not be quick to judge someone else’s choice, someone else’s action. You have not traveled in their life circle.


Benefits of having gastric bypass

Oh the joy of not having to throw up everything I consumed while drinking on a planned girls night out…
I honestly have never been this drunk! But the fact that I had this experience with my albeit adopted daughter is amazing. My husband, (aka, knight in shining armor) is sitting beside me playing FarmVille 2 whilst I try to type somewhat drunk, while my daughter is hugging the porcelain goddess in the common bathroom. I have texted her hubby (who is an over the road truck driver) to insure him that all is well, mama is in control, but it is really, daddy who has really got it all under control, thank you Jace! Oh to be young and loved enough to be able to enjoy life in a way that you are protected is a quite a beautiful thing that not all children are blessed with.
I am glad to say that I would willingly give all my children the opportunity to have this,because in itself it is an amazing

Ink and things


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Cheyenne started a tradition on my last birthday, that I think will probably continue for a bit. On my birthday last year, she at not quite the legal age, told me that she wanted to get me a tattoo for my birthday. A tattoo. I had managed to avoid the ink for 38 years and my 17 year old wanted to buy me my first tattoo.
How can you possibly tell your child no? Thus began a tradition I hope to share with my daughter for a long long time.
This year was no exception, except for the fact that she was legal and wanted to get matching tattoos. How awesome is that!?
Off in search of the perfect tattoo, I hadn’t been itching for new ink the way that she had been, so finding something that we could both agree on and the surface area was something that we had to come to terms with.
After a few hours discussion and surfing google photos, we had a basic idea.


Burke did an awesome job and we will be returning to him for more work! He was a pleasure to talk with and be inked by!


This is the final result of my 39th birthday present from my daughter, matching star tattoos, the only difference? Her largest star is purple and the next one is green and my largest star is green and the next one is purple. Enough to match yet make it unique to our own favorite colors being placed in the largest star.


Stay at home MOM

I had to laugh the other day about a post on Facebook about a Starbucks employee telling a SAHM (Stay at home mom) it must be nice.  I’ve been both,  A Starbucks working mom and a SAHM.   Image


To tell the truth, Ive been more than that all of my kids lives.  There was a point where I was a SAHM, and then I was a WAHM (Work at home mom).  I sold full time on eBay, and made a decent living at it for the most part. 

Then we moved and i became a student and a mom.  Then a full time working mom at a prison no less.  After that, we moved again and I became a SAHM again, then a single mom, because the Army deployed my hubby and at that point I became a SAHM who also homeschooled.  Yes, yes, I have worn many hats.  

In 2011, I went to work at Starbucks and worked and went to school earning my Associate’s degree, I thought that a piece of paper with the words DEGREE on it were going to help me out… I worked at Starbucks for 18 months, and at the end of six months after I earned said degree, I went back to school to get my Medical Insurance, Billing and Coding (MIBC). certification, Six months into it, I had had enough with Starbucks and here I sit writing this blog.  

So I have two months left of school, plus my externship, a high schooler, two middle schoolers, one moving on Friday and I am busier than I know what to do.  

DH is through with the Army and he has four months left of school and a decent part-time job,  I am babysitting for a spell, while I finish up night classes for my MIBC.  

Today is a prime example of what I do as a SAHM! 

Oldest to school by 10 (because DH takes the high and middle schoolers). 

Errand at 11.

Do a load of laundry and put dinner in the crockpot

Pick one middle schooler up by 1250, (early dismissal)

Take him to recycle his aluminum cans.

Pick up Oldest from school at 2.

Do a few more loads of laundry.

Work on my homework.

Take boy to Therapy at 330

Take oldest to work at 430

Pick boy up at 520 from Therapy

Go get high schooler

Run them home with instructions on how to serve dinner

Go to school til 10, 

Starbucks til oldest gets off work at 11

Home and bed, because tomorrow I have to babysit and be there by 600AM.

Yes a SAHM is such an easy breezy life…






Things that I do for the kids…or the search for Ramen…

Oh the things that I do…

Meg asked last week, as she has been on a “food porn” (forbidden foods) kick, that I look for Creamy Chicken Ramen, because a new found friend from California had mentioned that it was her favorite flavor.  So when out grocery shopping I tend to look for the weird things that she requests.  I knew that they had the flavor, as I had seen it when I was at the prison, but I hadn’t exactly looked for it as I am personally not at all a fan of any flavor Ramen, tho I keep the chicken and beef flavors on hand for a quick and albeit, very simple meal that the kids can grab on the fly.    I had checked at Randall’s (aka Tom Thumb, Safeway) as well as Walmart  and Target.  I of course found it at a local neighborhood chain, that Jace doesn’t consider to be the best place to grocery shop.  I personally love it because some of the coupons they have are great and I tend to find some pretty good meat deals, anyway.  Here it was.  20130111-013446.jpg